Thoughts of Begin

Two Brothers Who were Inspired from Themes of their grandfathers, from Father’s and Mother’s Side. They Were from the Same Professional Field, who Were Renowned as Tremendous Caterers in the Complete Surrounding Of their Themed Zone. These Brothers Chetan Kalra and Honey Kalra After Completion of Education Thought to Carry their Ancestral Business with Modern Twist and Then They came up with a startup named, The Hawker In 2017 At Firozpur City in Punjab. They exaggerated their Brand in Punjab and Created its Presence in Complete State With 8 Outlet in time Period Of 2 Years with the Support Of their Friends and Family. Being new to this journey at this young age they had some hurdles on their way wherein Ignorance of the Legal System came in, They Hadn’t Done Proper Brand Registration, consequences of which they Lost Hold on the Brand Name. Due to This negligence Many Similar Brands Name Mushroomed in Local Market. After Experiencing all the struggles, They Came up with A Fresh parallel Brand with New Name including All Specifications and Proper Documentation. Keeping past experience in mind, they began with a Fresh New Brand as The Appetiters which they started From Moga and Kapurthala and now expansion mode is on. Planning to grow more with many more cities.

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